Kaspa is the fastest and most scalable instant confirmation transaction layer ever built on a proof-of-work engine. Transactions sent to miners can be included immediately in the ledger, which is structured as a revolutionary blockDAG. Kaspa is based on the GhostDAG/PHANTOM protocol, a scalable generalization of the Nakamoto Consensus (Bitcoin consensus). Its design is faithful to the principles Satoshi embedded into Bitcoin — proof-of-work mining, UTXO-formed isolated state, deflationary monetary policy, no premine, and no central governance. Kaspa is unique in its ability to support high block rates while maintaining the level of security offered by the most secure proof-of-work environments. Kaspa’s current mainnet operates with one block per second. After the ongoing rust language rewrite, the core developers goal is to increase the number of blocks per second substantially, attracting the development of smart contracts and DeFi.


Traditional cryptocurrencies suffer from a security-scalability-decentralization tradeoff: decentralized cryptocurrencies must limit their block creation rate in order to limit “orphans”, off-chain blocks created during the time it takes for a latent block to be propagated across the network. A high orphan rate decreases the effectiveness of the PoW network, thus decreasing its defense against attacks from malicious actors joining the open network. To solve this tradeoff, Kaspa’s consensus layer uses GhostDAG, a proof-of-work consensus protocol that generalizes Nakamoto’s chain into a directed acyclic graph of blocks ( blockDAG). GhostDAG incorporates”orphan” blocks into the chain to form a blockDAG, and then uses a novel greedy algorithm to order the blocks such that well-connected, honest blocks are favored, quickly and with high probability. GhostDAG allows Kaspa to circumvent the traditional tradeoff of blockchains, improving on block rate by orders of magnitude while maintaining the theoretical security guarantees of Bitcoin.

This results in a cryptocurrency that is supported by 51% security, has a high number of miners / nodes, and has throughput on the order of one block per second. This is unlike existing cryptocurrencies, which inevitably trade off on having small numbers of validator nodes or lower BFT security (33% threshold needed for malicious actors to attack the network).

Fast Confirmations

Traditional cryptocurrencies’ slow block rates indicate slow confirmations, i.e., the time it takes for a transaction to be published on the blockchain. Kaspa’s consensus layer supports fast, subsecond confirmations— a fast first confirmation, which enables use cases that need immediate proof of publication (but not immediate irreversibility), such as e-commerce.

High Throughput

Traditional cryptocurrencies’ slow block rate also indicates low transaction throughput. Using GhostDAG, Kaspa’s consensus layer removes security as a bottleneck for high throughput, allowing block rate and block size increase up to what the network can handle. Kaspa also optimizes bandwidth cost and network infrastructure for high throughput.

Mining Decentralization

Traditional cryptocurrencies’ slow block rate also indicates high variance of mining income (i.e. irregular mining rewards due to the difficulty of finding a block), incentivizing miners to join larger and larger mining pools—which combine computing power and distribute smaller, more regular mining incomes to participants—as the network grows and the block difficulty increases. This centralizes the consensus power into the hands of a few pool managers. Kaspa’s consensus layer’s fast block rate decreases the variance of mining income – which decreases the incentive to join mining pools – contributing to mining decentralization.

Articles & News

Kaspa Japan AMA

Kaspa Japan AMA Date: 10/16 JST 21:00 開催日:10/16 21時〜 司会:Bitmo Kaspa Japanアンバサダー Host: Bitmo, JP Ambassador ゲスト:バブルガムライトニングさん Kaspa マネージャー 翻訳:BOKU Guest:bubblegumlightning * (bubblegumlightning), Kaspa * Bitmo, Kaspa JP Ambassador *Translater:BOKU Bitmo:...

Kaspium v1.0.1 Release

The Kaspa Mobile Wallet Kaspium In crypto and likewise with Kaspa, there’s always some new innovation on the horizon. Riding this wave of continuous evolution and aiming to specifically accommodate the needs of the KAS community is Kaspium. Kaspium isn’t just any...

Ambassador Report: Kaspa in Chicago

Nicholas Harness Kaspa AmbassadorCollege DAO/KASPA-U  The Inaugural ETH Chicago held September 15-17 brought together a diverse group of blockchain enthusiasts, developers, innovators, and of course students. Among the many insightful presentations, Ambassador...

A Kaspa Performance Update

New Mempool Implementation Manages Thousands of Pending Transactions Rusty Kaspa Mempool Update Kaspa recently unveiled another significant advancement in the performance of their mempool, a term referring to the temporary holding space for unconfirmed transactions....

Vote Now for Custom Kaspa Tangem Cards

We’ve been working with the Tangem Wallet team to create custom Kaspa Cards for you. @Rhubarbarian and crew are presenting these 4 concepts for you to vote on. Go to our DISCORD and to the #votes channel to participate. Or see Pinned Post in Telegram Please choose...

Kaspa Pool Addition — Hiveon

Hiveon Kaspa PoolHiveon is proud to announce the addition of a new mining pool designed explicitly for Kaspa (KAS) mining. This addition accommodates the needs of the Kaspa mining community, who are interested in exploring new mining opportunities. This Hiveon Kaspa...

Join & Follow the COmmunity

We are a growing community and are always looking for enthusiastic people to join the project.  If you are a coder, marketer, vlogger, community manager, enthusiast, or anything else join the Kaspa Discord and say, “hi!”


Simple donation through Cryptocurrency Checkout

Manual donations dev-fund-address: kaspa:precqv0krj3r6uyyfa36ga7s0u9jct0v4wg8ctsfde2gkrsgwgw8jgxfzfc98


Mining dev-fund-address: kaspa:pzhh76qc82wzduvsrd9xh4zde9qhp0xc8rl7qu2mvl2e42uvdqt75zrcgpm00


The wallet is managed by 4 members of the community (msutton, Tim, The SheepCat and demisrael) who were publicly voted in to become the Treasurers.

This is a multi-signature wallet with a 2/4 signing formula, so it needs at least 2 of the Treasurers to sign the spending transaction for it to become commutable. All spendings are published in the #devfund channel and is performed according to the results of public votes in either #funding-pools or #votes channels
Manual donations to the Community Marketing Fund address:
A report on KASPATALK.ORG will be made available each month
This website is built and maintained with ❤️ by Kaspa Community Members