Kaspa https://kaspa.org/ Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrency with GHOSTDAG protocol - Maintained, with love by Community Members. Thu, 26 Oct 2023 01:45:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/kaspa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cropped-Kaspa-Icon-Dark-Green-on-White.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Kaspa https://kaspa.org/ 32 32 205134466 Kaspa now listed on Korean Exchange, Coinone https://kaspa.org/kaspa-now-listed-on-korean-exchange-coinone/ Thu, 26 Oct 2023 01:45:09 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46626 Special thanks to Dae Park, our Korean Ambassador for helping to make this happen! Kaspa Coin is listed for the first time in Korea, and the KRW/KAS market is opened for the first time. Coinone will support new crypto asset trading in the Korean won market as follows on October 26, 2023. Kaspa (KAS) transaction […]

The post Kaspa now listed on Korean Exchange, Coinone appeared first on Kaspa.

Special thanks to Dae Park, our Korean Ambassador for helping to make this happen!

Kaspa Coin is listed for the first time in Korea, and the KRW/KAS market is opened for the first time.

Coinone will support new crypto asset trading in the Korean won market as follows on October 26, 2023.

Kaspa (KAS) transaction information

Estimated deposit/withdrawal time:

– Deposit opening: 10 a.m. on Thursday, October 26, 2023

– Withdrawal opening: 5pm on Thursday, October 26, 2023

Estimated trading time:

– sales open: Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 5:00 PM

– Purchase open: Thursday, October 26, 2023, 5:05 p.m.

– Market price reservation opening: Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Standard price: 69.30 won
Withdrawal fee: 30 KAS

Coinone is a major Korean crypto exchange. Coinone is the first  exchange in Korea to trade Ethereum, and is the safest and most trusted by customers.

Kaspa is an open source layer 1 project that adopts the proof-of-work (PoW) method based on BlockDAG (Block Directed Acyclic Graph). While most projects tend to sacrifice the principles of decentralization to improve transaction processing speed, kaspa seeks to solve these scalability problems in a completely decentralized environment. Within the project, KAS is used as mining compensation and transaction fees in kaspa’s proof-of-work method. As a result, KAS supports the economic ecosystem of the project and can be utilized in a variety of areas.

The post Kaspa now listed on Korean Exchange, Coinone appeared first on Kaspa.

Kaspa Japan AMA https://kaspa.org/kaspa-japan-ama/ Tue, 17 Oct 2023 19:21:36 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46581 Kaspa Japan AMA Date: 10/16 JST 21:00 開催日:10/16 21時〜 司会:Bitmo Kaspa Japanアンバサダー Host: Bitmo, JP Ambassador ゲスト:バブルガムライトニングさん Kaspa マネージャー 翻訳:BOKU Guest:bubblegumlightning * (bubblegumlightning), Kaspa * Bitmo, Kaspa JP Ambassador *Translater:BOKU Bitmo: 今回は、Kaspaの方からバブルガムさんがきていただきました! Kaspaは日本ではほとんど認知がされていません。 ですが、Kaspa Japanのコミュニティが出来てAMA開催までに至りましたので、日本コミュニティ を盛り上げていきましょう! それでは、バブルガムさん自己紹介の方をよろしくお願いいたします。 bubblegumlightning : Absolutely. Most people know me as bubblegum lightning but my real name is Nathaniel or Nate […]

The post Kaspa Japan AMA appeared first on Kaspa.


Kaspa Japan AMA

Date: 10/16 JST 21:00
開催日:10/16 21時〜
司会:Bitmo Kaspa Japanアンバサダー
Host: Bitmo, JP Ambassador ゲスト:バブルガムライトニングさん Kaspa マネージャー 翻訳:BOKU

* (bubblegumlightning), Kaspa * Bitmo, Kaspa JP Ambassador *Translater:BOKU

Bitmo: 今回は、Kaspaの方からバブルガムさんがきていただきました!

ですが、Kaspa Japanのコミュニティが出来てAMA開催までに至りましたので、日本コミュニティ を盛り上げていきましょう!


bubblegumlightning :
Absolutely. Most people know me as bubblegum lightning

but my real name is Nathaniel or Nate for short.
I’m a self proclaimed PR manager, copywriter, communications and education contributor.

I write and edit all blog posts on Medium, kaspa.org, and CMC.

I also recently wrote Kaspa’s first book and published with Amazon.
I’ve been with Kaspa since the Ethereum merge and really started to get involved in Winter of 2022 when I noticed there was no digestible material like a Medium blog.

So as I learned more and dug in,
I started to document what I learned by simpler topics on what is now the Kaspa Currency Medium.

翻訳(BOKU) ほとんどの人は私のことをバブルガム・ライトニングとして知っていますが、 私の本名はナサニエル、略してネイトです。 私は自称PRマネージャー、コピーライター、コミュニケーションおよび教育貢献者です。

Medium、kaspa.org、CMC 上のすべてのブログ投稿を執筆、編集しています。

また、私は最近、カスパの最初の本を書き、アマゾンで出版しました。 てきましたが、本格的に関わり始めたのは2022年の冬で、 中ブログのような消化しやすいコンテンツが存在しないことに気づきました。
現在の Kaspa Currency Medium に関するより単純なトピックによって学んだことを文書化始め ました。

ありがとうございます。 なるほどですね!さまざまな分野で活動されているのですね!

1. Kaspaとは、どのようなプロジェクトなのでしょうか?

(What kind of project is Kaspa? )


Kaspa is a decentralized project, aiming to shake things up in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Think of it as a fresh take on how digital transactions can be done.
Instead of the classic blockchain, Kaspa uses a blockDAG, focusing on speed, throughput, and adaptability. They’re out to challenge the norms and make an actual, functional everyday cryptocurrency.

Think Bitcoin but with the latest tech, no wait, PoW,
and not just claims but actually solves the blockchain trilemma.

Kaspa は、暗号通貨の世界に変革を起こすことを目的とした分散型プロジェクトです。 デジタル取引の実行方法についての新たな見方。
Kaspa は、古典的なブロックチェーンの代わりに、速度、スループット、適応性に重点を置いて blockDAG を使用します。彼らは標準に挑戦し、実際に機能する日常的な暗号通貨を作成しよう としています。

待ち時間がなく、PoW を実現でき、主張するだけでなく実際にブロックチェーンのトリレンマを解 決できます。

なるほど! ブロックチェーントリレンマを解決できるというのはかなり画期的ですね!

それでは、次にKaspaの中隔技術であるBlockDAGについてお聞きしたいと思います。 BlockDAGとはどの様な技術なのでしょうか?ブロックチェーンとはどの様に違うのでしょうか?


BlockDAG stands for “Block Directed Acyclic Graph”.

Instead of the traditional single chain of blocks (like a train if the cars are blocks) that blockchain has, BlockDAG is more like a network or web of blocks.

With the train scenario, think stacks of train cars.
This setup means multiple blocks can be added or reduced simultaneously based on throughput.

This leads to faster confirmations and reduced bottlenecks.
In essence, it’s a blockchain that allows orphans to exist
and will branch out on heavier use and come back to a chain or a blockheight of 1.

This link is a visualizer that demonstrates the blockDAG live: https://kgi.kaspad.net/

BlockDAG は、「ブロック有向非巡回グラフ」の略です。 ブロックチェーンが持つ従来の単一のブロックチェーン (車がブロックであれば電車のようなもの) ではなく、
BlockDAG はブロックのネットワークまたはウェブに似ています。 電車のシナリオで、電車の車両の積み重ねを考えてみましょう。

この設定は、スループットに基づいて複数のブロックを同時に追加または削減できることを意味し ます。
これにより、確認が迅速化され、ボトルネックが軽減されます。 本質的に、これは孤児の存在を可能にし、より頻繁に使用されると分岐してチェーン またはブロック高さ 1 に戻るブロックチェーンです。

このリンクは、blockDAG をライブでデモするビジュアライザーです: https://kgi.kaspad.net/

なるほど! ブロックチェーンとDAG技術の融合ということなのですね!


この blockDAG ビジュアライザーはライブメインネットでもあります。

確かにこれは新しいですね! もう一つ気になるのは、Kaspaへのスマートコントラクト実装です。 スマートコントラクトについて質問させていただきます。


(When is the implementation of smart contracts scheduled?)


Here we can see with lower demand, the blockDAG is essentially a blockchain. When demand raises, the blocks will stack in parallel

and reform to a blockchain like structure.

ここで、需要が低い場合、blockDAG は本質的にブロックチェーンであることがわかります。 需要が高まると、ブロックは並列に積み重ねられ、ブロックチェーンのような構造に再形成されま す。


Honestly, exact dates can be a bit tricky with Kaspa.

The developers multitask and when one thing is stable and testing, they’re working on something else in the meantime.

Smart contracts are on the roadmap and expected
but first we need the codebase rewrite from Golang to Rust completed.

Once that codebase is finished, there’s no stopping anyone from developing SC. Just need the code framework in place, which is priority at the moment.

Much like the community, Kaspa development
is organic like the people that drive it, me, you, us.

翻訳(BOKU) 正直なところ、Kaspaの具体的な日程は少し複雑なところがあります。 開発者は複数のタスクを同時並行で行っています。 安定してテストされている間に、彼らはその間に別の作業を行っています。 スマートコントラクトはロードマップにあり、期待されていますが、 まずはgolangからRustへのコードベースの書き直しが完了する必要があります。

一旦そのコードベースが完成すれば、誰もSC(Smart contract)を開発することを止めることは出 来ません。

なるほど! 現状、スマートコントラクト実装に向けて準備をしているという状況になっているんですね。


I appreciate the move to Rust.


Bitmo: ラスト言語はかなり言語として評価されとり、イーロンマスクも最高の言語と言っていますね。


それでは、実際に使用されている例はあるのかについてお聞きしたいと思います。 実際の実需における使用例はありますか?

(Are there any examples of usage in actual demand?)


It’s going to be very beneficial once Kaspa is on Rust.

Instead of using a single core of a cpu to calculate blocks,
it will allow multiple blocks on one CPU. Ideal parallel processing. The absolute cutting edge.

Kaspa が Rust に導入されると、非常に有益になります。
CPU の単一コアを使用してブロックを計算する代わりに、
1 つの CPU 上で複数のブロックを使用できるようになります。理想的な並列処理。絶対的な最 先端。


Money. Anything you can buy instantly.

For example, you walk into your favorite convenience store and want to buy some sushi to go.

Using Bitcoin, you send the coin and then wait at least 10 minutes for it to confirm and clear before you can take off.

And that’s for a basic, single confirmation.

Some places want more than one confirmation.
Using crypto today would cause huge lines and slow service.

Kaspa aims to fix that. Near instant confirms, decentralized, stateless currency with now supply gimmicks or fear of being a security.

You can only mine or buy. That’s it. Value in, value out. With the framework, speed, and future in mind.

Kaspa could overtake ETH and maybe even BTC one day.

Crypto has seemed to forget that it’s original intended purpose is to be a stateless true money.

We decided to create other use-cases when we couldn’t make it faster and decided to make the hardware do more.

Which is a natural evolution but with Kaspa, it didn’t forget its roots.

お金。すぐに買えるものなら何でも。 たとえば、お気に入りのコンビニに行って、寿司を買って帰りたいとします。 ビットコインを使用して、コインを送信し、それが確認されて決済されるまで少なくとも 10 分待って から離陸します。

これは基本的な 1 つの確認です。場所によっては複数の確認が必要な場合があります。 現在暗号を使用すると、膨大な回線が発生し、サービスが遅くなる可能性があります。

Kaspa はそれを解決することを目指しています。ほぼ即時に確認され、分散型で無国籍の通貨 ですが、 現在は供給ギミックや証券になる恐れがあります。採掘するか購入することしかできません。そ れでおしまい。

価値を入力し、価値を出力します。フレームワーク、スピード、そして将来性を念頭に置いて。 Kaspa はいつか ETH を追い越し、さらには BTC を追い越す日が来るかもしれません。

暗号通貨は、本来の意図された目的が無国籍の真のお金であることを忘れているようです。 高速化できない場合は他のユースケースを作成し、ハードウェアにさらに多くのことを実行させる ことにしました。
これは自然な進化ですが、Kaspa ではそのルーツを忘れませんでした。

確かに、お金ですね。 BTCについても最初は使用例はお金としてでしたね。

元々のナカモトビジョンを受け継いだのがKaspaなのですね。 bubblegumlightning:

Absolutely. Kaspa runs on a generalized Nakamoto consensus applied to a DAG

Kaspa は、DAG に適用される一般化されたnakamoto コンセンサスに基づいて実行されます。

Bitmo: BlockDAGという技術的な部分についてお聞きさせていただきましたが、 今あるブロックチェーンとの互換はあるのかも気になりますね。


(Is interconnection with other blockchains possible?)

Yes. Already to a small scale it is now but interoperability is a big task on the todo list. There is a 1:1 wrapped token on Ethereum already bridged through Chainge finance.

So if you want to use Kaspa on the ETH network, that can happen now and is on some DEXs already.

EVM compatibility is planned and a browser wallet with wallet connect is being developed right now. This sidelines into SC since one SC idea is to use Kaspa as a sequence layer and settle on ETH for ease of use.

The other idea is native SC. Both can be done and intended,
just ETH SC is more approachable and requires less man power.

翻訳(BOKU) はい。現在ではすでに小規模になっていますが、相互運用性はやるべきことリストの大きな課題 です。
イーサリアムには、Change Finance を通じてすでにブリッジされた 1:1 ラップされたトークンがあ ります。

したがって、ETH ネットワーク上で Kaspa を使用したい場合は、 それが現在可能であり、一部の DEX ではすでに使用されています。

EVM との互換性が計画されており、ウォレット接続を備えたブラウザ ウォレットが現在開発中で す。
SC のアイデアの 1 つは、シーケンス層として Kaspa を使用し、使いやすさのために ETH に落 ち着くことであるため、

これは SC とは関係ありません。もう 1 つのアイデアはネイティブ SC です。 どちらも実行でき、意図することもできますが、ETH SC の方がより取り組みやすく、


コミュニティメンバー: スマコンの実装時には、一時的にEVMとスイッチングする構想もあるようですが、アイディア出し の段階のようです。


That’s correct. SC is in the brainstorming phase still. Mostly due to waiting on the Rust rewrite.

そのとおりです。 SC はまだブレインストーミング段階にあります。 主に Rust の書き換えを待っていることが原因です。


なるほど! 相互運用も可能になっているということは既存のブロックチェーンの大半にも対応が可能なので すね。


ここまでは私の方で気になっている点を ご質問させていただきました。


Kaspaのマイニングする為のアプリ(ソフト)などはありますか? (Are there any apps (software) for mining Kaspa?)


Yes! For CPU/GPU there are a handful of miner softwares,
however ASICs are the latest miner hardware
and they usually run on proprietary software through the manufacturer.

ASICs are probably the only way to mine profitably at this point.

はい! CPU/GPU には少数のマイナー ソフトウェアがありますが、
ASIC は最新のマイナー ハードウェアであり、通常はメーカーが提供する独自のソフトウェアで実 行されます。

おそらく、現時点で利益を上げてマイニングする唯一の方法は ASIC です。 コミュニティメンバー

web browser extensionはいつぐらい完成しますでしょうか


Let me get back to you on this.
It was successfully crowdfunded and has started. Not sure on the estimates however.

It looks like towards the end of the year. November/December is the estimate.


この件については改めてご連絡させていただきます。 クラウドファンディングに成功し、スタートしました。 ただし、見積もりについては不明です。

年末に向けてのようです。 11月~12月が目安です。


追加の質問です。カデナコインもDAGとPOWを組み合わせたコインです。 カデナは運営側に2割もの初期保有トークンを割り当てたことが、KASPAとの大きな違いです。 開発者もヨナタンほどは業界からは注目を浴びていないようです。 他に何かカデナと運命を分けた要因は思いつきますか


I believe a large part of Kadena’s problem is just that,
it has centralization issues with whales and a foundation etc.

Also, Kadena is what’s called a chainweb, not really a blockDAG. It has some scalability issues which Shai has covered
and I think the theory of it’s scalability is flawed.

Not positive, this is what I gathered from reading Shai’s posts. There is a paper he wrote on it, I’ll search for it.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vW5Z4STE2pnoe_KSlIkQ_ELDWfQrII8Bjr3mNxeSLQ k/edit?mode=html

カデナの問題の大部分はまさにそれだと思います。 クジラや財団などの集中化の問題があります。また、カデナはいわゆるチェーンウェブであり、 実際にはブロックDAGではありません。

Shai が取り上げたスケーラビリティの問題がいくつかありますが、 そのスケーラビリティの理論には欠陥があると思います。 肯定的なものではありませんが、これは私が Shai の投稿を読んで集めたものです。 彼が書いた内容です。

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vW5Z4STE2pnoe_KSlIkQ_ELDWfQrII8Bjr3mNxeSLQ k/edit?mode=html

それでは、次の質問です。 マイニング報酬が支払われる期間などはどの様になってますか? (What is the period during which mining rewards are paid?)


Total supply of Kaspa is 28.7 Billion coins with an emission schedule
that halves once per year via smooth monthly reductions by a factor of (1/2)^(1/12).

Essentially, Kaspa halves once per year and does so by a 1/12 each month.

So across the year, the reduction in rewards will equal one halving in 12 months. This is to keep emissions hasty and to not shock the supply.

Rewards are allocated by time not by block. So every second,
x amount of Kaspa is rewarded to the miners.
So regardless of Block Per Second increase, reward issuance will remain the same.

Emission schedule here: https://kaspa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/KASPA-EMISSION-SCHEDULE.pdf

Kaspa の総供給量は 287 億コインで、(1/2)^(1/12) の係数による 毎月のスムーズな削減を通じて年に 1 回半減する排出スケジュールがあります。

基本的に、Kaspa は年に 1 回半減し、毎月 1/12 ずつ減額されます。 したがって、年間を通じて報酬の減少は 12 か月で半減することになります。 これは、排出を急いで維持し、供給に衝撃を与えないようにするためです。

報酬はブロックではなく時間によって割り当てられます。 したがって、毎秒、x 量の Kaspa が鉱山労働者に報酬として与えられます。

したがって、1 秒あたりのブロック数が増加しても、報酬の発行量は変わりません。 放出スケジュールはこちら:


なるほど。 Kaspaの半減期は1年サイクルなのですね。 発行枚数がBTCに比べて多いので、納得です。



Since the rate of adoption is much faster now,
the emissions takes that into account.
Even so, when compared to adoption and emissions to BTC, Kaspa is still slower that BTC emissions in ratio.

翻訳(BOKU) 現在では普及率がはるかに速くなっているため、排出量にはそれが考慮されています。 それでも、BTC への導入と排出量を比較すると、比率では Kaspa のほうが BTC 排出量よりも まだ遅いです。

そうですね。それは私も感じます。 その部分は考慮して進んでいくのですか?


Yep. Right now Kaspa is structured to be fully operational within a lifetime
so we don’t leave our children with a network that needs a fix or an unexpected problem.

Fees will pay the miners as it stands now,
much like BTC when it hits the end of block rewards. Of course, it’s tough to predict market forces and use,

but it’s something that can be addressed by the community if needed.

はい。現時点では、Kaspa は生涯にわたって完全に運用できるように構成されているため、 修正が必要なネットワークや予期せぬ問題が子供たちに残されることはありません。

ブロック報酬の終わりに達したときのBTCと同様に、手数料は現状のままマイナーに支払われま す。 もちろん、市場の力や用途を予測するのは難しいですが、必要に応じてコミュニティで対処できる ものです。

Bitmo: なるほど。ありがとうございます。

これまでは、メリットに関してを中心にお聞きさせていただいてきましたが続いては、 デメリットについてお聞きしたいと思います。

blockDAGの問題点はなんですか? (What is the problem with blockDAG?)


It’s very complex and has a learning curve.
So far it works perfectly and by design but it took 10+ years to get here.

So it wasn’t a walk in the park.
New updates are on the way to make the integrations easier and more for industry standard.

For developers that want to work on the main network
with the cutting edge research and development,
it takes some time but totally worth it
if you want to explore a new frontier of high-performance computing and consensus.

Only at launch has there been any issue and since it’s been attacked, stress tested, and spammed.
All handled with ease.

それは非常に複雑であり、学習曲線が必要です。 これまでのところ、設計どおりに完璧に動作しますが、ここに到達するまでに 10 年以上かかりま した。

つまり、公園の散歩ではありませんでした。統合をより簡単に、 業界標準に近づけるための新しいアップデートが進行中です。最先端の研究開発を行うメイン ネットワークに取り組みたい開発者にとって、ハイ パフォーマンス コンピューティングと コンセンサスの新たなフロンティアを探求したいのであれば、時間はかかりますが、それだけの 価値はあります。

問題が発生したのは発売時のみで、それ以降は攻撃、ストレステスト、スパム送信が行われてき ました。

なるほど。研究開発が現在も進行形で進んでいるのですね。 今でも改善しながら進んでいるというのは逆にデメリットに向き合い続けているということでもあり ますね。

PowであるKaspaですが、PoWについては消費エネルギーについて大きな課題となっています。 それに対してEcoであるKaspaについてのご質問です。


(Why do you go with PoW, which causes the price of graphics cards to rise, compared to PoS, which claims to be eco-friendly?)


PoW, or Proof of Work, is the OG method.
It’s battle-tested and has its strengths in security.
But yeah, it’s energy-intensive and can drive up hardware costs.

On the flip side, PoS, or Proof of Stake,
is greener but still needs to be ironed out by many projects and all has some extent of centralization or security flaw, like 33% attacks as opposed to 51%.
Kaspa might’ve chosen PoW for its proven track record,
its decentralization and democratic participation.

Originally Kaspa was designed for optical ASICs
which are far more efficient and eco friendly but the tech was too immature.

Kaspa was launched instead of waiting until x amount of time.
However, Kaspa is ASIC friendly because you can’t beat the efficiency of designated hardware.

For the same power needed for GPU you get like 100x the hash. So the network as a whole is safer and more efficient.

There’s some perks with this hardware designed only for Kaspa too.
It can’t bail for the next new opportunity since Kaspa’s Kheavyhash algo is unique and only works for Kaspa at this point in time.

kHeavyhash is core heavy as opposed to memory heavy. So there is much less waste heat. Thus, less loss in energy efficiency in the form of a heat biproduct and heat dissipation hardware.

PoW (Proof of Work) は OG 手法です。実証済みであり、セキュリティに強みがあります。 しかし、確かに、これはエネルギーを大量に消費するため、ハードウェアのコストが上昇する可能 性があります。

反対に、PoS (Proof of Stake) は環境に優しいですが、依然として多くのプロジェクトで解決する 必要があり、
すべてのプロジェクトにある程度の集中化やセキュリティ上の欠陥 (51% に対して 33% の攻撃 など) があります。

Kaspa が PoW を選んだのは、その確かな実績、分散化、民主的参加のためかもしれません。

もともと Kaspa は、はるかに効率的で環境に優しい光 ASIC 用に設計されましたが、その技術 は未熟すぎました。
x 時間待つ代わりに、Kaspa が起動されました。ただし、指定されたハードウェアの効率に勝るも のはないため、

Kaspa は ASIC に適しています。 GPU に必要な電力が同じであれば、100 倍のハッシュが得ら れます。

Kaspa 専用に設計されたこのハードウェアにはいくつかの特典もあります。
Kaspa の Kheavyhash アルゴリズムは独自のものであり、
現時点では Kaspa でのみ機能するため、次の新たな機会を逃すことはできません。

kHeavyhash はメモリが多いのではなく、コアが多いです。 したがって、廃熱が大幅に少なくなります。したがって、熱副産物と熱放散ハードウェアの形での エネルギー効率の損失が少なくなります。

Bitmo: なるほど、さまざまな側面からもエコということですね。

以上で質問の方は終了となります。 最後にご要望です。 ホワイトペーパー日本語にしてください (Please make the white paper Japanese)


We really need to! We do have a team of translators yet I think our Japanese presence and representation is in short supply.

The GhostDAG and DAGKnight papers are very complicated
so we really need to find someone bilingual to be safe. ChatGPT,
as handy as it is, doesn’t seem to understand the Kaspa tech itself since it’s so new and breaking world records every update.

I do have someone working on the Japanese translation of my book but I’m not sure where it’s at. If we have any takers here,
it would be greatly appreciated and I can lend a hand in any way I can.

本当にそうする必要があります!私たちには翻訳者のチームがいますが、 日本での私たちのプレゼンスと代表者は不足していると思います。
GhostDAG と DAGKnight の文書は非常に複雑なので、安全のためにはバイリンガルの人を見 つける必要があります。

ChatGPT は便利ですが、非常に新しく、更新のたびに世界記録を更新しているため、 Kaspa テクノロジー自体を理解していないようです。

私の本の日本語翻訳に取り組んでいる人がいるのですが、どこにいるのかわかりません。 もしここに引き取っていただける方がいらっしゃいましたら、大変感謝いたします。 できる限りの手を差し伸べさせていただきます。

以上でQ &Aが終了となります。


No problem! Thanks for having me.
I’ll switch to phone now for translations.
I hope they’re at least passable translations.

翻訳(BOKU) 問題ない!お招きいただきありがとうございます。今から電話に切り替えて翻訳します。 少なくとも合格できる翻訳であることを願っています。


I wanted to question to you in real time. But next time… Thank you for coming!

Kaspaはどのようにエコシステムを広げていきますか? フェアローンチというのは聞こえはいいですが、VCのネットワークを活用してエコシステムを拡げ


これを成し遂げたLayer1プロジェクトはほとんどありません。あなた方はそれが可能なのでしょう か?

How will Kaspa expand its ecosystem?

A fair launch sounds good, but you can’t leverage VC network to expand our ecosystem because there are no VCs. So you have to develop the ecosystem all by yourselves.

Few Layer 1 projects have accomplished this. Is it possible for you guys to do it?


素晴らしい質問です!それはBTCとほぼ同じです。 これは非常にゲーム理論に基づいたもので、最初は誰もが最初に参加して多くの利益を得られ るという理由だけで、

これは現在起こっており、エコシステム開発者は構築と準備を進めており、 構築すべき領域を探して常に不協和音の中にいます。

Dagknight、Rust、モバイル、ブラウザウォレットなどの他のプロジェクトについては、 クラウドファンディングで費用を賄っています。不足分を補うための開発基金もあります。 私たち、あなた、そして私がこれを実現します。



In addition to its technology, how to expand the project is the Bitoin as a role model.



最も優れた点の 1 つは、Kaspa がすべて草の根でオーガニックであることです。 有料マーケティングには実際の資金はなく、通常、有料マーケティングには多くのボットが付属し ています。

したがって、私たちが自分自身を売り込み、人材を採用するとき、それは実際の身体と目に行き ます。

これは基本的にBTCが口コミで成長した方法です。もう巨獣ですよ。 私の経験では、Kaspa はそれ以降、最も分散化されたプロジェクトに最も近いものです。

Ghostdag と Dagknight の論文を日本語で入手できるかどうか、翻訳者に確認中です。 引き続きお知らせします。

The post Kaspa Japan AMA appeared first on Kaspa.

Kaspium v1.0.1 Release https://kaspa.org/kaspium-v1-0-1-release/ Fri, 29 Sep 2023 14:00:51 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46461 The post Kaspium v1.0.1 Release appeared first on Kaspa.


The Kaspa Mobile Wallet


In crypto and likewise with Kaspa, there’s always some new innovation on the horizon. Riding this wave of continuous evolution and aiming to specifically accommodate the needs of the KAS community is Kaspium. Kaspium isn’t just any mobile wallet; it’s a sleek, modern, and intuitive wallet solution designed from the ground up to flawlessly integrate with the Kaspa network.

Kaspium has a new range of features designed to make managing your digital assets as easy as checking your email. Plus, with a name like “Kaspium v1.0.1,” you can be assured that it’s the latest and possibly the best version out there, having gone through refinements and improvements from earlier iterations. Whether you’re a novice or a crypto veteran, Kaspium promises a seamless experience, ensuring that managing your Kaspa assets is as straightforward and secure as possible. Welcome to the next chapter of Kaspa native wallets with Kaspium, now fully released and available on both iOS and Android app stores. Here’s a deep dive into its extensive feature set:

Wallet Creation and Import Options

  • New Wallet Creation: Users can set up a new wallet using a 24-word secret phrase.
  • Wallet Import: For those who already have a wallet, Kaspium provides multiple import options: 24-word and 12-word (Web Wallet/KDX)secret phrase wallets.
  • Watch-only wallets: For use with an extended public key tied to a 24-word compatible wallet.
  • Multiple Wallets: Users aren’t restricted to a single wallet. The platform supports the creation and import of multiple wallets.

Comprehensive Wallet Functionalities

  • Transactions and Details: Send and receive KAS natively on the Kaspa network. Stay informed with a detailed transaction history, UTXO views, and a list of all wallet addresses.
  • Address Utility: Users can filter to view only addresses with funds for added convenience.
  • Send and Receive: Integrated with the ‘@Contacts’ feature, users can swiftly send funds, opt for the maximum send amount, and even add local notes for reference. Quickly generate a QR code for receiving funds. This feature also supports specifying an optional amount.
  • QR Scan: For instantaneous payments, scan a Kaspa address or a Kaspa URI QR code.
  • Fiat Conversion: See your balance in any of 38 available fiat currencies.
  • Multilingual Support: Inclusive for a global audience, the wallet offers support in multiple languages.
  • Themes: Customize your visual experience with light or dark themes.
  • Security: Fortify your wallet using various measures such as PIN, biometrics, and a dedicated wallet password.
  • Auto-lock: For added security, the wallet automatically locks itself.
  • Custom Nodes: Connect to custom Kaspa nodes as per your preference.
  • Explorer Access: View address and transaction details on Kaspa Explorer, Kas.fyi, or Katnip.
  • Contact Management: Add, import, or export Kaspa addresses with the Contacts feature.
  • Compound UTXOs: Efficiently combine multiple UTXOs using this feature.
  • Address Discovery: Scan for possible undetected used addresses using the Address Discovery feature
  • Secret Phrase View: Access the 24-word secret phrase associated with your wallet anytime.
  • Kaspa URIs: For rapid transactions, utilize Kaspa URIs (Uniform Resource Identifier).

The Release

With the release of Kaspium v1.0.1, it is clear that the Kaspa network intends to offer a top-tier user experience, combining both functionality and security. Whether you’re new to the Kaspa network or a seasoned user, Kaspium ensures that managing your KAS is intuitive and secure.

The full release of Kaspium v1.0.1 is not just a tool; it’s a commitment from the community and contributors of the Kaspa network to provide you with a platform that makes managing your digital assets a breeze while ensuring they remain under lock and key. Now, you can carry your Kaspa in a dedicated mobile wallet!

Tip: Azbuky is a dedicated developer within the Kaspa community and the visionary mind behind the creation of the Kaspium mobile wallet.


TWITTER | GITHUB | N. R. Crowningshield | Bubblegum Lightning

The post Kaspium v1.0.1 Release appeared first on Kaspa.

Community Marketing Fund Refresh Proposal – Fall 2023 https://kaspa.org/community-marketing-fund-refresh-proposal-fall-2023/ Wed, 27 Sep 2023 21:12:42 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46449 The post Community Marketing Fund Refresh Proposal – Fall 2023 appeared first on Kaspa.


Thanks to all who contributed!  Although we have met our goal, the CMF is an ongoing need, so please continue to contribute as you can!


Thank you for your unwavering support and your dedication to Kaspa’s adoption!


Link to the proposal on KaspaTalk

by Chad Ballantyne of Rhubarb Media (AKA Rhubarbarian)

It’s been quite the journey since we first started marketing Kaspa! Initially, our efforts began with the rebranding, a new website, and establishing our social channels. Back then, KAS was valued at .0002. By March/April of 2023, we launched the first official Community Marketing Fund for Kaspa, and the KAS value rose to .013. Now, just 6-7 months later, we’ve seen it climb to .05. Also, our follower count skyrocketed by x100!

Throughout this period, we’ve been hard at work. We’ve produced over 500 posts for our social media channels, created 40+ videos for YouTube, and developed countless designs for community members, merchants and Ambassadors. We’ve successfully onboarded more than 30 Merchants (https://kaspa.org/all-listings) worldwide and 4 regional Ambassadors. We just released Kaspa Pitch Decks (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/ … sp=sharing) for teaching at meetups and other educational events.  These are being translated into multiple languages.  Most recently, see Shai’s custom deck (https://youtu.be/zcHqnGEnaNk?si=OTH9f3UQ11g_9kQh) for his presentation in Hong Kong

This Fall and early 2024, we’re in the process of bringing on 6-8 Ambassadors from countries including Nigeria, Uganda, Canada, the USA, Korea, Austria, Turkey, and Australia. A new page on the site will begin to profile these amazing Kaspains!

With the support of Bubblegum Lightning and Wolfie, our small but mighty Marketing Team (or, as our channel name states, “People with medium-sized brains”), we’ve helped integrate numerous new apps, exchanges, pools, and other strategic affiliations.  This also includes over 20 other social/channel mods, techs, and app and site developers who are contributing to the marketing efforts and use our services weekly.

We won’t go into too much detail about our work, as you can read all the reports here – viewforum.php?f=26

The ASK:
The initial CMF was to be for 3 months. Due to the increasing value and our decision to alter the terms and take the equivalent of finding in USD, we’ve been able to stretch the funds to 7 months!! This includes organizing and supporting key events with merch, creative design, and marketing tools.

Now, we hope to replenish the CMF to continue our marketing momentum into 2024 to increase marketing efforts and onboard more ambassadors and merchants. Please revisit our original proposal here: viewtopic.php?t=28

Our focus for Fall and 2024 is on EQUIPPING and Outreach. We aim to provide Ambassadors with the necessary resources to form their teams. We’re already seeing such developments in Nigeria, where new Ambassadors are emerging under the leadership of Balor. We expect the same efforts in terms of hours. Still, additional funds will be necessary for Ambassador Launches and to support participation in major 2024 events.

Here’s the breakdown:

* Funds Requested: We’re asking for 80,000 KAS/month (equivalent to $4000 USD/month) for the next three months. After this period, we’ll revisit for a New Year Budget review. Should the value of Kaspa increase, we pledge to only spend the USD equivalent, thus extending the funds over more months.

* Budget Allocation: 50% of the funds will be dedicated to our content creation, communications, Ambassador/Merchant support, and resource creation. The remaining 50% will cover Ambassador launches, Merchant support, article research/writing, and other associated costs. As stated, none of these funds will be used for paid advertising or non-Kaspa efforts. While some additional funds might be required for releases or infrastructure costs (like web hosting), most of the budget will be directed toward the daily efforts of Kaspa’s organic growth.

Total Budget: We’re looking at a total of 240,000 KAS. If the Kaspa value goes up, we will rationally adjust our spending.

Donations: If you wish to see this work continue, please send your contributions to the new wallet (to allow for campaign fundraising visualizer) address:


Thank you for your unwavering support and your dedication to Kaspa’s adoption!

The post Community Marketing Fund Refresh Proposal – Fall 2023 appeared first on Kaspa.

Ambassador Report: Kaspa in Chicago https://kaspa.org/ambassador-report-kaspa-in-chicago/ Wed, 27 Sep 2023 20:23:13 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46389 The post Ambassador Report: Kaspa in Chicago appeared first on Kaspa.


Nicholas Harness

Kaspa Ambassador


The Inaugural ETH Chicago held September 15-17 brought together a diverse group of blockchain enthusiasts, developers, innovators, and of course students. Among the many insightful presentations, Ambassador and Kapsa-U’s Nicholas Harness gave a presentation on Kaspa and CollegeDAO’s plans to integrate it into the student web3 community while also offering an exploration of student involvement in and contributions to this space.

This report delves into the key highlights of Nicholas Harness’ presentation and its implications for the future of blockchain education, the MIT Bitcoin experiment, CollegeDAO’s planned successor experiment, and Kaspa’s role in the ever-evolving student landscape.

They saw around 100 people in attendance for the Kaspa talk – mostly students and hackers.
They reported about 80 students from CollegeDAO, but sadly, could only get 17 rounded up for a picture.

Student Involvement in Web3
Nicholas Harness began his presentation by emphasizing the growing importance of Web3 technologies and the crucial role students can play in their development. He discussed how the blockchain industry offers unique opportunities for students to actively engage, contribute, and of course, learn. He highlighted the following key points:

1. Learning Opportunities – Harness stressed that blockchain and Web3 technologies are still relatively young, making it an ideal space for students to explore and innovate. They can gain practical experience and often even apply their knowledge in real-world projects inside and outside of their clubs on campus, thereby accelerating their learning curve. Tapping into the Kaspa development ecosystem accelerates their ability to learn about the latest in BlockDAG technology.

2. Collaboration – Web3 is inherently decentralized and community-driven, making it conducive for students to collaborate on open-source projects. Harness showcased several student-led initiatives and collaborations within the wider ecosystem, demonstrating how students are actively contributing to the growth of the blockchain space. Also covered was the fact that Kaspa, itself an open-source project, was designed and developed primarily by a team of academics, with Yonatan himself being a researcher at HUJI.

3. Skill Development – Students involved in blockchain projects can develop a wide range of skills, most importantly including on-chain-specific programming, cryptography, and smart contract development. These skills are highly sought after in the rapidly evolving tech industry as many companies not native to web3 are seeking to expand into this emerging industry. Through the KASPA-U initiative, we hope to get more students to work on cutting-edge code and contribute the the future of FInTech and blockchain evolution.

The MIT Bitcoin Experiment and CollegeDAO’s Successor Experiment
Nicholas Harness then transitioned to the MIT Bitcoin experiment, which was initiated to distribute Bitcoin to MIT students in 2014. He highlighted how this experiment was instrumental in introducing students to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. However, he also pointed out the limitations and challenges faced by this project.

1. Limitations of the MIT Bitcoin Experiment – Harness discussed how the experiment primarily focused on Bitcoin and lacked a broader educational component. Additionally, the distribution of Bitcoin raised regulatory concerns and required significant administrative overhead.

2. CollegeDAO’s Planned Successor Experiment – In response to the shortcomings of the MIT Bitcoin experiment (most importantly its inability to demonstrate full-scale adoption and even limited adoption on a true community-wide scale), Harness introduced CollegeDAO’s planned successor experiment. He explained that CollegeDAO aims to create a decentralized and transparent mechanism for distributing cryptocurrencies to students across different universities. This new approach is designed to not only address the limitations of the previous experiment but also demonstrate the practical abilities of Kaspa and how it is the perfect candidate for mass adoption by businesses globally of all sizes, and by extension could finally be the crypto to realize Satoshi’s vision.

Nicholas Harness’ presentation at ETH Chicago served as a rallying call for increased student involvement in Web3 and the blockchain industry. It underscored the potential for students to make meaningful contributions, both in terms of innovation and general education. Additionally, the discussion of the MIT Bitcoin experiment and CollegeDAO’s successor highlighted the evolution of blockchain acceptance in the realm of education. Kaspa’s role in supporting and fostering student engagement within this dynamic landscape was a testament to its commitment to the future of blockchain technology as a universal solution. As the blockchain industry continues to evolve, the active involvement of students and educational institutions will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping its trajectory and help long term with lending legitimacy to Kaspa and web3 in the eyes of traditional businesses outside of the tech sphere. This presentation at ETH Chicago was a powerful reminder of the opportunities that await those who seek to explore and contribute to the world of Web3!

PS – Thanks to Rhubarbarian, for the Kaspa Slide Deck!  It was used as the base for the presentation

Please consider supporting the Community Marketing Fund (CMF) to see more of this activity around the globe!
Donations to the Community Marketing Fund address:

Reports can be found on KaspaTalks

If you feel this role is something you would like to step into in your region, consider applying here.  

Please read and understand the criteria well, as a considerable level of energy and personality is required to be the face, hands and feet of Kaspa!  This is a volunteer role at the moment, but as your local community grows we hope to see some donations come in specifically for the Ambassadors.  As it is now, the CMF covers most hard costs for venues, merchandise, mentorship and creative from Rhubarbarian and his team.

The post Ambassador Report: Kaspa in Chicago appeared first on Kaspa.

Highlights from the SIBAN Digital Assets Summit 2023, Nigeria https://kaspa.org/highlights-from-the-siban-digital-assets-summit-2023-nigeria/ Fri, 22 Sep 2023 13:04:09 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46223 The post Highlights from the SIBAN Digital Assets Summit 2023, Nigeria appeared first on Kaspa.

Blockchain and digital assets are reshaping the way we think about finance, technology, and the future of economies. On September 6th and 7th, 2023, the Stakeholders in Blockchain Association of Nigeria (SIBAN) brought together industry leaders, innovators, and enthusiasts for the much-anticipated Digital Assets Summit. The event was nothing short of transformative, offering valuable insights and sparking engaging discussions on the evolving landscape of digital assets.

The Digital Assets Summit: A Confluence of Visionaries

The SIBAN Digital Assets Summit served as a meeting point for thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and policymakers in the blockchain and digital assets space. It was a testament to Nigeria’s growing influence in the global blockchain ecosystem and the significance of digital assets in today’s financial world.

Key Takeaways from the Summit

1. DeFi Revolution: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) took centre stage as speakers delved into its potential to reshape traditional finance. Discussions revolved around the democratization of financial services, yield farming, and the challenges and opportunities this space presents.

2. NFTs and the Creative Economy: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) were in the spotlight as well. The summit explored how NFTs are disrupting the creative industry, providing new avenues for artists, musicians, and creators to monetize their work.

3. Digital Assets Regulation: Policymakers and regulators participated actively, discussing the importance of responsible regulation for the growth of the digital assets market. This dialogue aimed to strike a balance between innovation and consumer protection.

4. Blockchain for Social Impact: The summit didn’t just focus on financial applications. It also highlighted the potential of blockchain for social impact, touching on issues like identity management and supply chain transparency.

Networking and Collaboration

Beyond the insightful sessions, the summit provided an invaluable opportunity for networking and collaboration. Attendees had the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, potential partners, and mentors. The sense of community and shared purpose was palpable, reinforcing the belief that Nigeria is poised to play a pivotal role in the global blockchain ecosystem.

Ambassadorial Impact

During the summit, I was privileged to represent Kaspa BlockDAG as the Nigeria Ambassador. During the course of the event, I played a crucial role in promoting Kaspa’s innovative Blockdag technology, discussing potential listings ($Kas) with exchanges, and meeting with industry leaders in the crypto and web3 space in Nigeria. I also engaged with over 20 individuals as potential Kaspa Ambassadors in their respective institutions, spreading the vision of Kaspa’s blockchain advancements.

Looking Ahead

The SIBAN Digital Assets Summit 2023 was a resounding success, leaving us with much to ponder as we navigate the ever-evolving world of digital assets. The lessons learned and connections made at this event will undoubtedly shape the future of blockchain and its impact on Nigeria and the world.

As we move forward, it’s clear that Nigeria’s blockchain and digital asset community is not only embracing change but also driving it. We look forward to witnessing the innovations and developments that will emerge from this vibrant ecosystem.

Thank you, SIBAN, for organizing an event that will have a lasting impact on the blockchain landscape. Until next year!

◦ Sensitization of persons as regards Kaspa BlockDAG etc
◦ Had meetings with over 15 potential ambassadors from some schools not in the original list I mentioned earlier, so we’re hoping to have regular monthly meetups in at least 12 of those schools after now.
◦ I expected to meet the Billpoint app CEO during the event, but he didn’t show up, nor did he send a representative; I’d have to find another route to get in touch with him or his representative. However, I was able to meet with the team behind Vent Africa (A P2P platform that specializes majorly in crypto-to-cash conversion directly for African countries, and discussed some of the possibilities of getting $KAS listed there for easy conversion of $KAS to cash and vice versa), Also met with some community leads of some projects for some potential partnerships and ultimately, it’s a resounding success, as most of them are willing and open to partner with the Kaspa community.

What’s Next?

To further fuel what we have achieved with this event, I feel it’s important to continue the work by:
◦ Ensuring the monthly meetups holds in these institutions and that merchs(no matter how small) would be given to those students in question….
◦ Fixing up Kaspa-themed billboards in at least 5 of these institutions with close proximity watching the impact, and replicating this in the other schools ultimately
◦ Work closely with the Vent Africa community and Team to get $KAS supported there and ensure a steady conversion route from $KAS to local currencies to ensure smooth and continuous usage of $KAS not just in Nigeria, but Africa at large ultimately.

This is basically a mini summary of what went on, but it was much bigger than this.
Thanks to Rhubarbarian and for the sponsorship from the Community Marketing Fund and thanks for putting me out there with the Industry leaders in Nigeria to tell them about Kaspa and the $KAS coin! I’ll definitely do more!

Please consider supporting the Community Marketing Fund (CMF) to see more of this activity around the globe!
Donations to the Community Marketing Fund address:

Reports can be found on KaspaTalks

If you would like to support the local efforts with what Balor is doing in the Nigeria region, Contribute here: kaspa:qz8rc7w5r6f69y7n6w43gyd8ljnhsfz4xpn4t94asfarek8wg8dpx06dr3m5e

If you feel this role is something you would like to step into in your region, consider applying here.

Please read and understand the criteria well, as a considerable level of energy and personality is required to be the face, hands and feet of Kaspa!  This is a volunteer role at the moment, but as your local community grows we hope to see some donations come in specifically for the Ambassadors.  As it is now, the CMF covers most hard costs for venues, merchandise, mentorship and creative from Rhubarbarian and his team.

The post Highlights from the SIBAN Digital Assets Summit 2023, Nigeria appeared first on Kaspa.

Kaspa Ambassador Event Report – Kampala, Uganda https://kaspa.org/kaspa-ambassador-event-report-kampala-uganda/ Thu, 21 Sep 2023 17:06:13 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46225 The post Kaspa Ambassador Event Report – Kampala, Uganda appeared first on Kaspa.


Event Overview

Event Name : Kaspa Event-Kampala
Date: 2nd September, Saturday
Location: Sheron Hotel, Kampala, Uganda
Organiser: Kaspa ambassador
Sponsor: Kaspa


The event was held at the Sheron Hotel on September 2nd, 2023 with over 50 attendees. This event provided an opportunity for the attendees to expand their knowledge about blockchain technology as the speakers provided insights into Kaspa currency, Kaspa as a BlockDAG technology, Kaspa as a payment system, and blockchain technology.

Speakers: We had three main speakers who shared their expertise regarding Kaspa currency;

Speaker 1: Akankwasa Sharifu
Topic: Introduction to Kaspa Currency and Blockchain
Description: Shariff introduced the blockchain concept and went ahead to provide an in-depth overview of Kaspa currency, explaining its key features, benefits, and how it differs from traditional cryptocurrencies.

Speaker 2: Acanda Ritah
Topic: Kaspa as BlockDAG Technology
Description: Madam Acanda delved into the technical aspects of Kaspa, highlighting its innovative BlockDAG technology and its potential impact on the blockchain ecosystem.

Speaker 3: Mugisha Abraham
Topic: Kaspa as a Payment System
Description: Mr Abraham discussed how Kaspa can be utilised as an efficient and secure payment system, shedding light on its advantages in the world of digital transactions.

Pre-Event Promotion: To promote the event, a radio program was organised on Hii5radio, an online radio station based in Wandegeya, Kampala Uganda. We managed to reach a larger audience through this program as it attracted many people from the local communities to sign up for the event. During the radio program, the speakers highlighted the importance of this event and what the participants would gain from this. The program introduced the concept of Kaspa to the listeners highlighting how Kaspa is to break into the cryptocurrency space, a technology that should be embraced.

Being an online radio station, we managed to get a high online engagement, getting listeners to join our social media communities, thereby creating an inclusive community of interested participants who were eager to attend the event.

Live on Location Broadcast

We had the Hii5 Radio team on the ground and they managed to broadcast the event live. People who couldn’t manage to come to the location were able to listen in via Hii5 Radio. (www.hii5radio.online) .

Key Takeaways

Attendees had the opportunity to learn about Kaspa’s unique features and its potential to break into the cryptocurrency space.
The technical session on Kaspa as BlockDAG technology offered attendees a deep understanding of its underlying technology.

Kaspa’s role as a payment system was highlighted, emphasising its practical applications.
The introductory session on blockchain technology provided attendees with a solid foundation for understanding the broader context.

Below are links to the pictures and a few videos of events

Radio talk tech: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xQL_qKIeGLibTNTLHN0BHxZuw3-hzYHV?usp=drive_link
Meetup event; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1w0OUuk4T0a_AL535xAXmJho-qNDru8uw?usp=drive_link


The Kaspa Event-Kampala at Sheron Hotel was a successful educational endeavour that provided attendees with valuable insights into Kaspa currency, BlockDAG technology, payment systems, and blockchain. It was a remarkable opportunity for networking, and learning, moreso, some people who were green to the technology started using Kaspa right away.

The event would not have been possible without the support of Kaspa and the dedication of the organisers, speakers, and attendees. We also appreciate hii5radio for covering and broadcasting our event live on location.

We can surely say, there was an impact created.

Continued thanks to the Kaspa Community, Rhubarbarian and the Community Marketing Fund which helped make this possible.

Please consider supporting the Community Marketing Fund (CMF) to see more of this activity around the globe!
Donations to the Community Marketing Fund address:

Reports can be found on KaspaTalks

If you would like to support the local efforts with what Shidi  is doing in the Uganda region, Contribute here:


If you feel this role is something you would like to step into in your region, consider applying here.

Please read and understand the criteria well, as a considerable level of energy and personality is required to be the face, hands and feet of Kaspa!  This is a volunteer role at the moment, but as your local community grows we hope to see some donations come in specifically for the Ambassadors.  As it is now, the CMF covers most hard costs for venues, merchandise, mentorship and creative from Rhubarbarian and his team.


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A Kaspa Performance Update https://kaspa.org/a-kaspa-performance-update/ Sat, 16 Sep 2023 01:32:10 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46274 The post A Kaspa Performance Update appeared first on Kaspa.


New Mempool Implementation Manages Thousands of Pending Transactions

Rusty Kaspa Mempool Update

Kaspa recently unveiled another significant advancement in the performance of their mempool, a term referring to the temporary holding space for unconfirmed transactions. The new mempool design can now manage a high-frequency 10-BPS network, even when saturated with hundreds of thousands of pending transactions.

Behind this achievement stands Michael Sutton at the helm and documenting the process on Twitter/X, joined by the Rust powerlifter Tiram_88.

Some months back, Kaspa halted its eleventh testnet, TN11. This decision was primarily made to refine everything associated with the pathways of the mempool’s operations. Before this intervention, the focus was mainly on refining their consensus validation engine. This engine, created with parallel processing in mind, was tested and proved capable of handling approximately 32 BPS. However, challenges arose when attention shifted to the mempool. Its initial design was straightforward and needed to be refined to manage heavy loads, revealing bottlenecks that hindered performance.

Mempool Bottleneck

Figure 1

This graph, Figure 1, illustrates the challenges of the previous mempool system under constant pressure. It showed significant strain when subjected to an influx of transactions more than a 10-BPS BlockDAG could efficiently manage. The system nearly halted at one point, especially between the 60 to 80-second marks, even though it was handling a mere 35,000 transactions. Two metrics stood out in this figure. The left demonstrates the operation time, while the right showcased the real-time mempool size. Both metrics reflected that the Build Block Template (BBT) and the block submission times were increasing at a high rate in correlation with the mempool size. This indicated the need for internal mempool algorithm optimization.

Optimization objectives

— The system needed to quickly build blocks, which is crucial for the network’s responsiveness.

— Once a transaction was confirmed, it needed to be removed from the mempool promptly, ensuring a smooth operational flow.

— Maintain a consistent rate at which the new, unconfirmed transactions are accepted, regardless of the mempool’s load.


The mempool then underwent a transformation. Large operations were fragmented into smaller, more manageable tasks, allowing many to run concurrently. Additionally, the internal algorithms of the mempool received significant overhauls for improved efficiency.

Figure 2

Figure 3

The results of these interventions were nothing short of impressive. Michael Sutton referred to Figures 2 and 3 to underscore the improvements. In tests, they attempted to send a staggering 1.4 million transactions to a node to prove that until the mempool reaches a stable size of 600 thousand transactions. Over 600 thousand, the transaction submissions will alternate pausing and resuming to maintain. Figure 2 showed that BBT times were around 25 milliseconds, while block submissions averaged 150 milliseconds. Simultaneously, Figure 3 highlights the transaction processing speed of over 2,000 transactions every second. Most notably, these figures remained stable, even with a considerable load on the mempool, indicating that the node performed seamlessly.

The Nutshell

Kaspa’s advancements signal a more resilient, efficient, and adaptable system. It’s designed to manage a significant transactional load without compromising performance, marking a pivotal moment for Kaspa’s breakthrough technological journey.

The days of frustrating delays, throughput limitations, and lengthy transaction times are poised to be things of the past. With a keen focus on quicker transactions, the revamped system efficiently processes tasks, even amidst high transaction volumes, ensuring unparalleled reliability.

Twitter Kaspa Update

Tip: With a potential to manage thousands of transactions seamlessly, Kaspa’s 10-BPS mempool is the future of practical everyday commerce.


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Vote Now for Custom Kaspa Tangem Cards https://kaspa.org/vote-now-for-custom-kaspa-tangem-cards/ Fri, 01 Sep 2023 19:56:30 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46187 The post Vote Now for Custom Kaspa Tangem Cards appeared first on Kaspa.


We’ve been working with the Tangem Wallet team to create custom Kaspa Cards for you. @Rhubarbarian and crew are presenting these 4 concepts for you to vote on.

Go to our DISCORD and to the #votes channel to participate.

Or see Pinned Post in Telegram

Please choose your favourite. There can be only one to get this going! So you must choose your favorite.

Once the one is chosen, we will submit it to the Tangem team and they will get it ready for production. We will need to hit a threshold of 350 orders before they move forward with the orders.

Voting will last until Tuesday Sept 5, 12pm EST. of which the most votes will be the card to go to production.

Note: if other cards get a significant vote, and the community wants to see them as an option they would need the same pre-orders for production.
Each new design needs at least 350 pre-sales before they will go into production.

More more info on Tangem and features of the cards – go here: https://tangem.com/en/

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Kaspa Pool Addition — Hiveon https://kaspa.org/kaspa-pool-addition-hiveon/ Thu, 24 Aug 2023 00:54:30 +0000 https://kaspa.org/?p=46132 The post Kaspa Pool Addition — Hiveon appeared first on Kaspa.


Hiveon Kaspa Pool
Hiveon is proud to announce the addition of a new mining pool designed explicitly for Kaspa (KAS) mining. This addition accommodates the needs of the Kaspa mining community, who are interested in exploring new mining opportunities. This Hiveon Kaspa Pool allows miners to leverage these characteristics and optimize their mining activities.

Pool Features
An affordable pool fee of only 1%
Pay Per Share Plus (PPS+) reward type
A manageable minimum payout threshold of just 50 KAS
Absence of transaction fees, covered entirely by Hiveon
Mining servers located across the globe
An automatic server selection that allows Hiveon to select the nearest server for your miners

If these compelling features have piqued your interest, you can initiate the process of setting up your Hiveon Kaspa Pool.

Hiveon OS
Create a Hiveon account here.

After establishing your account, or if you opt for anonymous usage, the next step is to create a Flight Sheet within your Hiveon OS account.

Applying this Flight Sheet to your worker(s) enables the start of mining.

Connecting to Kaspa Pool
ASIC miners enter the following addresses in your ASIC miner settings:

kas.hiveon.com:4444 or kas.hiveon.com:8888
SSL 20443

Becoming a part of the Hiveon Kaspa Pool guarantees stable daily rewards without hidden transaction fees or extra charges. In addition, you will join a community of supportive ‘Hivers.’ Experience the pinnacle of cryptocurrency mining with Hiveon!
You can contact their customer support team at bee@hiveon.com for any questions or issues.

Tip: Hiveon OS is an operating system that helps to keep your crypto farms at their peak and monitor their info in one place.


TWITTER | REDDIT | GITHUB | EXPLORER | Bubblegum Lightning

The post Kaspa Pool Addition — Hiveon appeared first on Kaspa.
