Technology Archives - Kaspa Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrency with GHOSTDAG protocol - Maintained, with love by Community Members. Fri, 29 Sep 2023 14:01:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Technology Archives - Kaspa 32 32 205134466 Kaspium v1.0.1 Release Fri, 29 Sep 2023 14:00:51 +0000 The post Kaspium v1.0.1 Release appeared first on Kaspa.


The Kaspa Mobile Wallet


In crypto and likewise with Kaspa, there’s always some new innovation on the horizon. Riding this wave of continuous evolution and aiming to specifically accommodate the needs of the KAS community is Kaspium. Kaspium isn’t just any mobile wallet; it’s a sleek, modern, and intuitive wallet solution designed from the ground up to flawlessly integrate with the Kaspa network.

Kaspium has a new range of features designed to make managing your digital assets as easy as checking your email. Plus, with a name like “Kaspium v1.0.1,” you can be assured that it’s the latest and possibly the best version out there, having gone through refinements and improvements from earlier iterations. Whether you’re a novice or a crypto veteran, Kaspium promises a seamless experience, ensuring that managing your Kaspa assets is as straightforward and secure as possible. Welcome to the next chapter of Kaspa native wallets with Kaspium, now fully released and available on both iOS and Android app stores. Here’s a deep dive into its extensive feature set:

Wallet Creation and Import Options

  • New Wallet Creation: Users can set up a new wallet using a 24-word secret phrase.
  • Wallet Import: For those who already have a wallet, Kaspium provides multiple import options: 24-word and 12-word (Web Wallet/KDX)secret phrase wallets.
  • Watch-only wallets: For use with an extended public key tied to a 24-word compatible wallet.
  • Multiple Wallets: Users aren’t restricted to a single wallet. The platform supports the creation and import of multiple wallets.

Comprehensive Wallet Functionalities

  • Transactions and Details: Send and receive KAS natively on the Kaspa network. Stay informed with a detailed transaction history, UTXO views, and a list of all wallet addresses.
  • Address Utility: Users can filter to view only addresses with funds for added convenience.
  • Send and Receive: Integrated with the ‘@Contacts’ feature, users can swiftly send funds, opt for the maximum send amount, and even add local notes for reference. Quickly generate a QR code for receiving funds. This feature also supports specifying an optional amount.
  • QR Scan: For instantaneous payments, scan a Kaspa address or a Kaspa URI QR code.
  • Fiat Conversion: See your balance in any of 38 available fiat currencies.
  • Multilingual Support: Inclusive for a global audience, the wallet offers support in multiple languages.
  • Themes: Customize your visual experience with light or dark themes.
  • Security: Fortify your wallet using various measures such as PIN, biometrics, and a dedicated wallet password.
  • Auto-lock: For added security, the wallet automatically locks itself.
  • Custom Nodes: Connect to custom Kaspa nodes as per your preference.
  • Explorer Access: View address and transaction details on Kaspa Explorer,, or Katnip.
  • Contact Management: Add, import, or export Kaspa addresses with the Contacts feature.
  • Compound UTXOs: Efficiently combine multiple UTXOs using this feature.
  • Address Discovery: Scan for possible undetected used addresses using the Address Discovery feature
  • Secret Phrase View: Access the 24-word secret phrase associated with your wallet anytime.
  • Kaspa URIs: For rapid transactions, utilize Kaspa URIs (Uniform Resource Identifier).

The Release

With the release of Kaspium v1.0.1, it is clear that the Kaspa network intends to offer a top-tier user experience, combining both functionality and security. Whether you’re new to the Kaspa network or a seasoned user, Kaspium ensures that managing your KAS is intuitive and secure.

The full release of Kaspium v1.0.1 is not just a tool; it’s a commitment from the community and contributors of the Kaspa network to provide you with a platform that makes managing your digital assets a breeze while ensuring they remain under lock and key. Now, you can carry your Kaspa in a dedicated mobile wallet!

Tip: Azbuky is a dedicated developer within the Kaspa community and the visionary mind behind the creation of the Kaspium mobile wallet.


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Vote Now for Custom Kaspa Tangem Cards Fri, 01 Sep 2023 19:56:30 +0000 The post Vote Now for Custom Kaspa Tangem Cards appeared first on Kaspa.


We’ve been working with the Tangem Wallet team to create custom Kaspa Cards for you. @Rhubarbarian and crew are presenting these 4 concepts for you to vote on.

Go to our DISCORD and to the #votes channel to participate.

Or see Pinned Post in Telegram

Please choose your favourite. There can be only one to get this going! So you must choose your favorite.

Once the one is chosen, we will submit it to the Tangem team and they will get it ready for production. We will need to hit a threshold of 350 orders before they move forward with the orders.

Voting will last until Tuesday Sept 5, 12pm EST. of which the most votes will be the card to go to production.

Note: if other cards get a significant vote, and the community wants to see them as an option they would need the same pre-orders for production.
Each new design needs at least 350 pre-sales before they will go into production.

More more info on Tangem and features of the cards – go here:

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The Solution to Double Spending Sun, 13 Aug 2023 03:52:44 +0000 Kaspa Education Understanding Double Spending Double spending is the fraudulent practice of using the same digital currency in multiple transactions. It’s like paying for two things with the same physical dollar bill. In the digital world, where a currency’s presence isn’t tangible, this can become a severe issue, threatening the entire system’s trust and integrity. Parallel […]

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Kaspa Education

Understanding Double Spending

Double spending is the fraudulent practice of using the same digital currency in multiple transactions. It’s like paying for two things with the same physical dollar bill. In the digital world, where a currency’s presence isn’t tangible, this can become a severe issue, threatening the entire system’s trust and integrity.

Parallel Blocks and The Risk of Double Spending

Traditional digital currencies process transactions sequentially, like a single line at a bank. Some newer systems use parallel processing to be faster, like Kaspa, but this introduces the risk of double spending, where two transactions using the same digital coin might be simultaneously approved.

Kaspa’s Solution: GHOSTDAG Protocol and UTXOs

Kaspa addresses this challenge using the GHOSTDAG protocol and the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model. Together, these technologies ensure that even when transactions are processed in parallel, each digital coin is used only once.

GHOSTDAG ensures a universally agreed-upon order for transactions. Like a rulebook that every bank teller follows so no one gets confused about the order of customers.

Transactions are sorted into “blue” (main chain) and “red” (conflicting) sets. This sorting is like a supervisor quickly resolving teller disputes.
Utilizing Kernels, Anticone, and UTXOs

In the GHOSTDAG system, blocks are grouped into “kernels” (approved) and “anticone” (not yet approved). This allows the systematic handling of conflicting transactions.

But the UTXO model adds another layer of security. In a UTXO system, users don’t have balances like a traditional bank account. Instead, they have “unspent outputs” from previous transactions. When you spend a digital coin, you’re essentially pointing to an unspent output and saying, “I’m using this now.” Once used, that output is marked as spent and cannot be used again.

By coupling the GHOSTDAG protocol with UTXOs, Kaspa ensures that once a digital coin is used in a transaction, it can’t be used again elsewhere. It’s like a vigilant cashier who ensures you hand over the dollar bill once you’ve used it, so you can’t spend it again.

The Benefits of GHOSTDAG and UTXOs

Combining GHOSTDAG’s conflict management with the UTXO model’s precision, Kaspa offers a robust solution to the problem of double spending. The system ensures quick resolution without loss or delay. It adds an additional layer of certainty that each digital coin is spent only once.

Kaspa’s GHOSTDAG protocol and the UTXO model represent a comprehensive solution to the challenge of double spending in digital currency. By innovatively merging these technologies, Kaspa has created a fast, secure digital transaction system.

This complex intersection of technology is designed to foster trust in a system otherwise prone to exploitation. Kaspa’s approach may well pave the way for broader acceptance and reliance on digital currencies, bridging the gap between conventional banking and the exciting frontier of digital finance.

Tip: Kaspa’s solution offers a cutting-edge defense against double spending, ensuring the integrity, efficiency, and security of digital transactions, paving the way for a trustworthy future in digital finance.


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Embarking on the Unknown Wed, 09 Aug 2023 11:00:25 +0000 Kaspa’s Relentless Pursuit of Innovation The Primordial Data Kaspa’s inception was not only a winding and intricate journey but also one marked by exploration, confusion, and experimentation. In the very beginning, even fundamental aspects such as installing and running a node or mining were bewildering. The developers had to communicate constantly through platforms like Discord, […]

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Kaspa’s Relentless Pursuit of Innovation

The Primordial Data

Kaspa’s inception was not only a winding and intricate journey but also one marked by exploration, confusion, and experimentation. In the very beginning, even fundamental aspects such as installing and running a node or mining were bewildering. The developers had to communicate constantly through platforms like Discord, explaining every step and every detail. It was raw, scrappy, and at times, chaotic.

In its early stages, Kaspa’s progress resembled a child learning to walk, faltering and unsure, with foundational software that stood on shaky ground. Few developers could grasp the complexities of this new terrain, and no ecosystem developers were willing to take the plunge. New versions of mining software were frequently updated, adding to the already unstable environment.

Early Struggles and the Drive for Innovation

The team’s primary aim was not about aiming for a high market cap or capitulating to fears; instead, it was about courageously maintaining stability amidst the chaos. And to build a network that was supposed to be unbuildable. January 2022 presented itself as an especially taxing month, with nodes struggling to manage three days’ worth of transaction data. Many fell out of sync, and some transactions failed to register on the ledger. However, this was not a significant concern, as the network’s underlying structure remained robust and verifiable, and more pressing matters were at hand.

Despite these obstacles, the developers’ unrelenting spirit fueled Kaspa’s evolution. Setbacks turned into stepping stones, as they were more than merely surviving; they were laying down a path filled with innovation and daring explorations. The struggles, breakthroughs, and exhilarating yet exhausting journey have become integral to what defines Kaspa today.

The individuals behind Kaspa understood that failures would be essential learning experiences. They confronted technological immaturity, misconceptions, and roadblocks, which instead of hindering them, fueled their creative process. This led to innovative solutions that set Kaspa apart from other digital currencies.

Kaspa started as a small, committed crew working for years to overcome the theoretical and practical challenges of creating a true Block Directed Acyclic Graph (BlockDAG) system. They fought relentlessly through the dark, stumbling upon bugs and an unending cycle of testnets, weighed down by the feeling of missing the technological train as attention shifted to proof of stake, DeFi, and NFTs.

From the very beginning, Kaspa’s genesis was born from chaos. With monetary resources dwindling, the immaturity of optical ASIC development, and a business plan teetering on failure, the decision to initiate a fair launch emerged as a desperate yet inspired attempt to keep the dream alive. The team employed at DAGlabs chose to place their trust in the core proof-of-work (PoW) community, clinging to a conviction that their ideas were far too valuable to abandon. This belief propelled them into the unknown as they embarked on daring experiments with unnamed algorithms, untethered from the constraints of existing mining technology. It was a last-ditch effort to let their creation live on, a gambit born from the chaos, and a defining moment in Kaspa’s genesis.

Embracing Chaos Amidst the Innovation

Kaspa’s continuous journey was guided by innovation, a readiness to challenge conventional wisdom, and a willingness to push boundaries. The early days on Discord were frantic, plagued by seemingly endless bugs, followed by neverending debugging and a constant need to educate and inform the community. Building something unique in the face of adversity and confusion became the team’s defining characteristic, embodying the thrilling yet demanding journey that defines Kaspa.

The shift brought about another hurdle: the need to solo mine after a hard fork to stabilize the network. A community poll decided to burn over 11 million KAS, with 40% of the community choosing this path. The commitment to this promise further solidified Kaspa’s dedication to transparent, community-driven decision-making.

Around two months later, anomalies emerged within the network, requiring immediate investigation and understanding. A detailed examination led to crafting an urgent patch, enhancing synchronization, and handling the network’s intricate structure. The positive impact of this fix led to deeper insights into the system’s architecture, albeit at the cost of superficial transaction data, saving the network and opening up more avenues for growth and innovation.

The Present and Future

Kaspa’s story is one of perseverance, creativity, and resolve. From the intention to develop ASICs to the daring decision to fair-launch, the journey was filled with uncertainty, trials, and enlightening realizations. The early days were turbulent, and the complications were not mere roadblocks but rites of passage that shaped Kaspa’s growth, laying the foundation for resilience, inventiveness, and steadfast pursuit of excellence.

Through trials and successes, Kaspa’s evolution stands as a symbol of not just success but endurance, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to a bold vision. The narrative also serves as a meaningful reminder of the scrappy and turbulent beginning, where uncertainty reigned, and every step forward was an adventure in itself. The raw energy and determination that fueled Kaspa’s early days continue to inspire its pursuit of innovation and excellence, along with embracing the unavoidable new challenges.

Tip: Kaspa’s journey may not have followed a straight line, but its enduring success is rooted in embracing its chaotic beginnings and remembering the lessons learned along the way.


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Kaspa Community Browser Wallet Crowdfund Sat, 22 Jul 2023 18:44:36 +0000 The post Kaspa Community Browser Wallet Crowdfund appeared first on Kaspa.


Developing an extension wallet for Kaspa

0 KAS (0%) raised of 240k KAS needed!

Browser Extension Wallet

Kaspa Community developers, KaffinPX and Not Thomiz have launched an exciting new crowdfunding initiative. They aim to develop an extension wallet for Kaspa, similar to the popular MetaMask wallet for Ethereum. The proposed wallet is intended to be compatible with Firefox and Chromium-based browsers and utilize technologies such as TypeScript, React, MaterialUI, and WASM.

This successful crowdfund would offer secure online storage for your Kaspa coins that you can access with a click. This wallet would enable you to start a new account or import an existing one, allowing you to manage your Kaspa coins effectively. Just as you’d use your regular wallet to send and receive money, this online wallet would provide the same convenience for your digital currency.

Moreover, the wallet is designed to come with a user-friendly contact list. This feature lets you store the addresses of anyone you interact with frequently using Kaspa — friends, family, or even businesses. As a result, transactions become a breeze, saving you time and making the whole process of sending or receiving KAS far more straightforward.

The wallet won’t be a one-size-fits-all; it’s designed to include customizable settings. This means you can adjust and set up your wallet to work precisely how you want it, tailoring it to meet your specific needs and preferences. It’s all about making your Kaspa experience as smooth and personalized as possible.

Beyond personal use, the wallet offers website interoperability and shopping functionality. Designed to communicate effortlessly with websites, adding convenience when you shop or make transactions online. This seamless integration means using your KAS securely and quickly without jumping through hoops.

The wallet is for more than just individuals as well. The duo has considered businesses and is proposing a Merchant Mode. This feature is geared towards helping businesses, particularly those in e-commerce, accept KAS as a form of payment. It’s about opening up new opportunities for merchants, making Kaspa viable for transactions, and increasing its use and acceptance.

The project plan:

  • Week 1: Development of basic features like creating/importing wallets and sending and receiving operations.
  • Week 2: Implementation of the window.kaspa API.
  • Week 3: Rollout of Merchant Mode.
  • Week 4: Integration of translations.
  • Week 5: Preparation for a stable release.
  • Post Week 5: Publication on Web Stores (the timeline for this depends on the approval process in respective stores).

Total development duration: Approximately one month and a week.

Crowdfund goal: 250,000 $KAS.

Crowdfund Wallet Address



Discord Crowdfund Pool

If the total amount isn’t raised, any money collected will be kept safe and might be used for a different community-backed project in the future.

The Kaspa community has given this project a thumbs-up, and the fundraising is now underway. This new wallet, especially with the forthcoming introduction of Kaspa smart contracts, promises to be a game-changer, making it easier than ever to use Kaspa for transactions.

Tip: This wallet will operate similar to Ethereum’s MetaMask, featuring transaction management, contact list, online shopping, and a Merchant Mode for businesses.


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Kaspa Developers Meeting July 2023 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 11:00:33 +0000 A developers meeting was held to shed light on the exciting advancements of Kaspa. DEV Talks Starting with the Rust contributors’ achievements before launch, as discussed by Michael, it’s essential to understand the role of the Rust rewrite. Known for its speed and reliability, Rust is a programming language that has become integral to the Kaspa […]

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A developers meeting was held to shed light on the exciting advancements of Kaspa.

DEV Talks

Starting with the Rust contributors’ achievements before launch, as discussed by Michael, it’s essential to understand the role of the Rust rewrite. Known for its speed and reliability, Rust is a programming language that has become integral to the Kaspa platform. The Rust developers have put in a substantial amount of effort to ensure the platform is robust and efficient, a task that is no small feat given the challenges that come with rewriting such a sophisticated platform.

Shai provided insights into the future utilization of Testnet 11. Testnets are sandboxed environments; consider them practice fields where developers can experiment and test new features. These environments are critical as they allow for extensive testing without risking the stability of a live network, such as the mainnet. The future use of Testnet 11 will thus be instrumental in ensuring the reliability and functionality of upcoming features.

A key point on the agenda was mempool refactoring, highlighted by George. The mempool is a transaction waiting room, housing transactions pending confirmation and addition to the blockchain. The planned refactoring of this section, in essence, a modification and enhancement of the code, will make this part of the network much more efficient.

The issue of ‘pruning starvation’ was also tackled in this meeting, with Michael leading the discussion. To provide some context, ‘pruning’ is a term used in computing to describe the process of eliminating unnecessary or redundant data. This activity is particularly crucial in a DAG network like Kaspa, where the maintenance of network efficiency is paramount. However, ‘starvation’ in this context refers to a scenario where the pruning process is perpetually deprived of the resources it needs to carry out its function, thus leaving it unable to operate as efficiently as desired.

Anton’s focus on the integration framework also made a significant part of the conversation. This framework, a set of tools and guidelines, is being developed to ensure that different parts of the system coalesce seamlessly. The aim here is to create an ecosystem where all components work harmoniously, boosting the platform’s overall performance and usability.

The topic of testnet11 KGI was broached by George, pointing out the planned enhancements to the Kaspa Graph Inspector (KGI). Currently built with the Go programming language, the KGI consists of four parts — a database, a processing layer, an API (which enables other software to interact with it), and a web app. The devs plan to rewrite or modify these parts, with some segments being rewritten in Rust for compatibility.

Michael added to the discussion about the proposed improvements to the network’s peer-to-peer (P2P) layer. This layer is central to how users in the network connect and share information. Modifications are being considered to streamline user connections, ultimately leading to a smoother-running network.

There was also an essential appeal for increased community engagement in this meeting. The community recognizes the vital role that both developers and non-developers play in propelling Kaspa’s mission forward. In the coming weeks, they expect to need more help from skilled testers as they’re building a wallet application based on the framework they’ve developed. Once completed, they would welcome the community’s support in testing it thoroughly to ensure its optimal performance.

Calling All Devs

But the developer’s appeal extends beyond testing. They’re calling on the community to help spread the word about this remarkable project. If you know developers, coders, or anyone with a knack for technical pursuits, encourage them to join the Kaspa community. Even if they aren’t interested in cryptocurrency per se, the intricacy, marvel of engineering, and innovative spirit of Kaspa’s engineering should capture their interest.

By their own admission, the developer’s work is ‘extremely exciting.’ They are developing applications that can operate natively on computers and mobile phones, using groundbreaking technology that reduces the need for multiple applications. This is next-gen tech, and they’re inviting all capable hands on deck.

Kaspa profoundly values the community’s participation, especially in running the testnet and providing crucial feedback. The devs expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the community’s invaluable contribution. Pleasantly surprised by the turnout at the technical meeting, they are constantly impressed by the community’s enthusiasm, support, and dedication.

Kaspa is extending a warm invitation to anyone interested in contributing to their cause, be it developers, testers, or crypto enthusiasts. As they continue to innovate and solve ‘bleeding edge’ technical challenges and welcome fresh perspectives and skills into their ranks. If you’re captivated by cutting-edge technology and want to be a part of a rapidly evolving project, Kaspa could be your next adventure. Join them and make a difference in this exciting engineering journey!

Tip: Kaspa, a leading Layer-1 proof-of-work platform, is now transitioning to Rust. This move leverages Rust’s superior efficiency to amplify Kaspa’s speed and security, providing an exciting development opportunity for passionate Rust coders to contribute to the future of blockchain technology.


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Kaspa Achieves 10 BPS in Testnet, Sets a New Benchmark in Cryptocurrency Wed, 28 Jun 2023 12:16:37 +0000 June 26, 2023 – Kaspa, a pioneering proof-of-work platform offering fast and scalable solutions, announces a historic milestone: achieving an unprecedented 10 Blocks Per Second (BPS) on its testnet. This breakthrough sets a new standard in the world of cryptography and cryptocurrency, ready to overturn the existing constraints of transaction and block speeds within proof-of-work […]

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June 26, 2023 – Kaspa, a pioneering proof-of-work platform offering fast and scalable solutions, announces a historic milestone: achieving an unprecedented 10 Blocks Per Second (BPS) on its testnet. This breakthrough sets a new standard in the world of cryptography and cryptocurrency, ready to overturn the existing constraints of transaction and block speeds within proof-of-work consensus protocols.

Kaspa, a proof-of-work network known for its pioneering efforts, has made a significant announcement today. The company has achieved a remarkable milestone on its testnet by successfully reaching a rate of 10 Blocks Per Second (BPS). This accomplishment sets a new benchmark in the field of cryptocurrency.

To attain this unprecedented block rate, Kaspa launched Testnet 11, a public experimental network. This achievement is highly significant as it opens up exciting opportunities for future innovation. Developers, crypto-enthusiasts, and visionaries from around the world are now invited to put various approaches and ideas to the test.

Yonatan Sompolinsky, the Founder of Kaspa and co-author of the GHOSTDAG protocol, expressed his enthusiasm, saying, “A 10 blocks/sec system is highly sensitive to minor errors or even suboptimal engineering; it requires a deep understanding of p2p consensus modules interplay and top-notch execution capabilities. I hope more devs will join the project, if anything, merely to enjoy the beauty manufactured.”

The successful Testnet 11 has demonstrated the capability to process thousands of transactions per second across multiple network nodes, all using everyday hardware. This accomplishment showcases that a proof-of-work protocol can scale without compromising decentralization or security. This achievement promises significant advancements for those seeking to explore and expand the possibilities of cryptocurrency.

Michael Sutton, a distributed systems researcher and core developer at Kaspa, shared his thoughts on this achievement. He said, “With the advent of GHOSTDAG as a scalable consensus protocol, we have reached a pivotal point where performance becomes paramount. The scalability of a cryptocurrency is no longer limited by the protocol itself; it now relies upon computation limits. Furthermore, the combination of widely available multi-core computers and the inherent parallelism opportunities of DAGs has pushed the boundaries to their limits. This convergence of consensus and high-performance computing (HPC) unlocks untapped potential, propelling us towards new horizons of research and innovation.”

Shai Deshe, a Kaspa quantum and cryptography researcher and co-author of GHOSTDAG, added, “This is the first time a permissionless, public, proof-of-work network has achieved four-digit transaction rates directly on the consensus layer while running on affordable hardware. Remarkably, some participants reported running the network on nine-year-old laptops! We are on track to demonstrate that proof-of-work can scale as effectively as proof-of-stake, without sacrificing centralization or security. Surpassing 3000 TPS has been surprisingly effortless, and as we continue pushing the limits, we might even outperform VISA.”

Kaspa’s achievement represents a significant step forward in realizing Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision of an efficient, secure, and widely adopted cryptocurrency. The utilization of blockDAG technology to handle high transaction volumes not only pushes the boundaries of current capabilities but also paves the way for future innovations. This transformative moment ushers in a new era in the realm of digital currencies, offering broader adoption and unprecedented application opportunities.

Witness this monumental milestone live on the Kaspa Twitch channel:

About Kaspa

Kaspa is the fastest and most scalable instant confirmation transaction Layer-1 built on proof-of-work. Using the GHOSTDAG(Greedy Heaviest Observed SubTree Directed Acyclic Graph) protocol, a scalable generalization of the Nakamoto Consensus, Kaspa circumvents the traditional security-scalability-decentralization tradeoff, enabling high block rates while maintaining the level of security offered by the most secure proof-of-work environments.


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Contact Person: Nathaniel Crowningshield

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Kaspa on Rust: Testnet 11 Wed, 28 Jun 2023 11:00:48 +0000 Redefining proof-of-work consensus speeds at 10 BPS. Testnet 11 Testnet 11, the experimental network and proving grounds of Kaspa’s 10 BPS (blocks per second) speeds, marks an innovative breakthrough in cryptocurrency and cryptography. A testnet is a “sandbox” environment that allows developers to try out new technologies and approaches in a controlled setting, which is precisely […]

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Redefining proof-of-work consensus speeds at 10 BPS.

Testnet 11

Testnet 11, the experimental network and proving grounds of Kaspa’s 10 BPS (blocks per second) speeds, marks an innovative breakthrough in cryptocurrency and cryptography. A testnet is a “sandbox” environment that allows developers to try out new technologies and approaches in a controlled setting, which is precisely what Testnet 11 offers and, over 24 hours live, continues to do so.

The debut of this testnet aims to stress test the network in terms of block rates and transaction rates under volatile simulations and fluctuating conditions. This includes analyzing the network’s response to varying hash rates and generating transaction loads. Users and developers are encouraged to freely join, mine, experiment, or set up a node or multiple. Testnet 11 hopes to emulate an organic, real-world network demand and mimic an environment for rigorous evaluation.

Historically, the significance of hash rates achieved on Testnet 11 on June 26th, 2023, was considered impossible in a proof-of-work protocol due to the computational power required. However, the Kaspa protocol has managed to defy these expectations and break world records, making history by successfully processing thousands of transactions per second across an extensive network of nodes in a permissionless network, all on affordable and typical hardware.

How to Participate

Software-wise, to experience Testnet 11, all that’s required is the Rusty Kaspa, which connects your system to the network and enables synchronization with other nodes on the testnet. Beyond just participating, CPU mining is also encouraged, allowing users to contribute to the network’s computational power without needing any specialized mining software/hardware. Users are urged to only use the included CPU miner while on Testnet 11. For those who want to simulate transactions, an optional tool called Rothschild can be used. However, using Rothschild and/or CPU mining is optional and unnecessary for fundamental participation.

The basic hardware needed for Testnet 11: 16GB RAM, a CPU with 8 or more cores, and a 50GB SSD drive.

Rusty Kaspa Testnet 11 Instructions

Rusty Kaspa GitHub

Kaspa Discord — Support, Feedback, and Developer Engagement

For troubleshooting and feedback, visit the: #testnet channel.

To explore ecosystem and network development opportunities on Rust, visit the: #rust-rewrite and #development channels.

10 BPS on Mainnet

The current record-breaking performance of the Testnet 11 demonstrates the capability of the Kaspa protocol, providing a glimpse of what to expect in the future. Testing will continue for about six months before 10 BPS speeds are implemented in the mainnet, depending on data from testing and troubleshooting. This timeline reflects the complexity of a hard fork and the importance of ensuring stability in the mainnet.

The timeline for a 10 BPS mainnet involves four critical steps:

  1. Any remaining issues with the 10 BPS client on Testnet 11 must be resolved, and various block sizes must be tested and considered.
  2. The stability of the potential hard fork will be tested over several weeks on Testnet 11.
  3. Upon favorable results, the changes in consensus rules will be applied to Testnet 10 for a few weeks to monitor the ecosphere for adjustment.
  4. Even after the decision to implement the hard fork has been made, it will be scheduled for a future date to ensure its successful and stable integration into the mainnet.

As we watch the development of Kaspa and the success of Testnet 11, we are witnessing history in the making. The impressive achievements of the Rust rewrite and plans for further improvements demonstrate that cryptocurrency is continually evolving, pushing boundaries, and defying what was previously considered possible.

For more detailed instructions on participating in Testnet 11 and the Rust rewrite, you can visit the Rusty Kaspa GitHub page. Please note, however, that the success and timeliness of this experiment depend on participants adhering to the guidelines and the total number of participants. This is an exciting time for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and developers alike as we witness the capabilities of the Kaspa GHOSTDAG protocol unfold in real time on the new Rust codebase.

Tip: Due to network immaturity and demanding strain, it’s important to remember that Testnet 11 is a testing environment. It may likely face instability and occasional downtime due to experimentation processes. Nothing to worry about, and it is anticipated.


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Kaspa Integrated with CoinPal Thu, 22 Jun 2023 11:00:48 +0000 A trusted crypto solution for digital business. CoinPal, a leading cryptocurrency payment service provider, has recently made significant strides in expanding its horizons by integrating Kaspa into its platform. CoinPal stays ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving digital currency landscape by persistently updating its range of supported cryptocurrencies and enhancing its services. By […]

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A trusted crypto solution for digital business.

CoinPal, a leading cryptocurrency payment service provider, has recently made significant strides in expanding its horizons by integrating Kaspa into its platform. CoinPal stays ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving digital currency landscape by persistently updating its range of supported cryptocurrencies and enhancing its services. By integrating Kaspa, CoinPal is taking e-commerce to the next level and positioning itself as a significant player in crypto adoption.

Since Kaspa is a decentralized, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, sharing fundamental principles with Bitcoin. While introducing improvements such as faster transaction speeds, enhanced scalability, and lower transaction fees. This integration provides new opportunities for CoinPal and its customers, enriching the list of over 50 supported cryptocurrencies. Now with Kaspa, a functional and practical digital currency meant for worldwide transactions.

CoinPal’s commitment to expanding cryptocurrency adoption extends beyond the confines of its platform, as demonstrated by its robust support for various industries. Ranging from live streaming and VPN services to coffee, CoinPal is driving cryptocurrency adoption across diverse sectors, making it a truly versatile payment solutions provider.

The CoinPal support team is awesome to work with…They are incredibly responsive to any possible issues that may be encountered with integration and resolve them quickly. I have thoroughly tested their integration with various levels of security settings and their integration didn’t even blink. The Shopify/CoinPal integration is super smooth, allows customers to pay with a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, and quickly converts payments into whatever currency the store owner desires. This is an absolute win-win situation for merchants of any size.

-Brand 425 Coffee

CoinPal is not just about supporting a variety of cryptocurrencies; the company is committed to enhancing the overall user experience by offering seamless integration with various eCommerce platforms. The company’s solution can be incorporated with platforms such as WooCommerce, Magento, Opencart, Zen Cart, PrestaShop, Shopyy, Shoplazza, and Shopify. WooCommerce, known for its customizability, is a prime example of this integration. CoinPal’s plugin for WooCommerce enables online stores to accept and instantly convert payments in a wide range of cryptocurrencies, thus mitigating the risk associated with cryptocurrency volatility.

All the automation on my site went off successfully! Compared to the other checkout app, which required manual input to complete customer orders, this works like a charm!

Pool Party Nodes

DeFi for TradFi

In a notable stride towards bridging the gap between traditional finance and the world of cryptocurrencies, CoinPal has introduced a unique crypto credit card. The application process is quick and efficient, taking just five minutes from application to card issuance. Once issued, the card can be linked to Apple Pay and other mobile payment solutions in less than a minute. CoinPal’s crypto credit card offers a high level of privacy protection, with no requirement for sensitive personal information from users.

Ensuring security for its users, CoinPal assures that funds are 100% secure and regulated by holding an EU cryptocurrency exchange license governed by the EU Financial Crimes Investigation Service (“FCIS”) of Lithuania. The company has partnered with Glocash, an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license holder, to facilitate its crypto credit card service. As global partners of VISA and Mastercard, Glocash and CoinPal enable users to spend their cryptocurrency much like they would with a traditional credit card.

CoinPal is pioneering the future of global cryptocurrency payment solutions. By offering a wide range of supported cryptocurrencies, integrating with diverse eCommerce platforms, and introducing innovative services like the crypto credit card, CoinPal ensures a versatile and secure cryptocurrency transaction experience for its users. With these enhanced offerings, CoinPal will further solidify its position in the global crypto market as the world progressively leans towards Kaspa and crypto adoption.

Tip: With its innovative solutions like seamless eCommerce integrations and the crypto credit card, CoinPal is perfectly aligning with Kaspa’s mission to enhance the practicality and accessibility of cryptocurrency in everyday transactions.


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The Kaspa Community and the Exploration of Smart Contracts Fri, 26 May 2023 11:00:41 +0000 The post The Kaspa Community and the Exploration of Smart Contracts appeared first on Kaspa.


Disclaimer: Kaspa could adopt both of the options listed below and take a dual-strategy approach.

Weighing options and envisioning a future with Rollups.


Smart Contracts

Kaspa is evaluating the adoption of Smart Contracts with the technology known as Rollups (RU), designed to improve the speed and efficiency of blockchain transactions. This involves two potential paths, each with its own implications and challenges.


@hashdag answering my question regarding his thoughts on Kaspa Smart Contracts.

Option 1

Fully integrate Rollups technology into Kaspa’s existing infrastructure. This approach involves harnessing and creating Kaspa native smart contracts, essentially automated scripts that execute specific actions when certain conditions are met. These smart contracts would function at higher speeds by incorporating rollups, and their execution would be finalized on Kaspa’s platform.

However, this route is not without its challenges. In essence, it would require forking and adapting an existing Rollups codebase. This would be akin to converting a complex software from one programming language to another. It’s a labor-intensive process, but the end result would be a seamless integration of the rollups technology, fully tailor-made for Kaspa’s platform. A potential template for this approach could be Matterlabs’ zkSync. This Rollups project could be a starting point for Kaspa’s own native smart contracts.

Option 2

The other approach is more of a hybrid solution. Here, Kaspa would serve as a sequencing layer, which essentially means it would organize transactions. However, the settlement, or the finalization of those transactions, would still occur on Ethereum.

For this method to work, Kaspa would need to find a modular rollups codebase that can support switching the sequencing layer from Ethereum to Kaspa. This could be a smoother process, as it would only require minor updates to Kaspa’s consensus. Nevertheless, there are downsides to this approach as well. By relying on Ethereum for settlement, Kaspa risks becoming an Ethereum sidechain, which might affect its independence and could mean the bulk of economic activity remains on the Ethereum chain. A potential model for this could be Starkware’s Sharp Shared Prover.

The conversation around Kaspa’s potential adoption of Rollups also touches on the platform’s native smart contracts. If Kaspa fully integrates rollups, the platform could develop its own unique smart contract environment. This would mean that Kaspa’s native smart contracts, explicitly tailored to the platform’s infrastructure, would continue to have a relevant role, complemented by rollups technology’s improved efficiency and speed.

On the other hand, should Kaspa opt for the sequencer role with settlement occurring on Ethereum, it opens up another set of possibilities. In this scenario, Kaspa could fully immerse itself in the established ecosystem of Ethereum. This means Kaspa could recreate Ethereum’s smart contract infrastructure on its platform. Instead, focusing on providing rapid, efficient sequencing of transactions. This would allow Kaspa to tap into Ethereum’s thriving financial applications, potentially accelerating the platform’s ability to offer advanced services.

Also, Kaspa could possibly adopt a dual-strategy approach, integrating elements from both options.

Regardless of the chosen path, each potential integration concept highlights a different facet of Kaspa’s adaptability and readiness for innovation. By incorporating rollups into its system or connecting its operations with the Ethereum network, Kaspa is committed to embracing cutting-edge blockchain technology. Whether through complete integration or a hybrid approach, the move towards rollups underlines Kaspa’s drive to stay at the forefront of blockchain innovation, ready to adapt and evolve with the technology’s ever-changing landscape.

Tip: Rollups, as a Layer 2 solution, enhance the functionality of blockchain networks by facilitating more efficient transaction processing, paving the way for a more complex smart contract that is both trustless and promotes interoperability.











Find me on the Kaspa discord — Bubblegum Lightning

The post The Kaspa Community and the Exploration of Smart Contracts appeared first on Kaspa.
